Tiffany Root & Kirk VandeGuchte


By Tiffany Root available on Amazon

The Prophet's Handbook

Jesus takes His prophets seriously. He chooses them and raises them up. Prophets have been around seemingly since the beginning of time, and yet confusion reigns regarding them. What constitutes a prophet today? How do you know if you are a prophet? What do the prophets do as far as church government goes? How does a Prophet receive words from the Lord?

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The Apostle's Handbook

What is an apostle? Are there still apostles today? How do you know if you're called as an apostle of Jesus Christ? Why would we need apostles? What do you do if you are called as an apostle?

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The World & Church Prophecies

What change is the Lord referring to? Where is God taking us? Where is the world headed? Where is the church headed? Are things going to get better or worse? These and many more mysteries revealed in over 250 prophecies, visions, and dreams.

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Trump Prophecies

Is President Trump really anointed by God to lead the USA and the world into a time of justice and righteousness? Is there such a thing as the Deep State or the Cabal? Are we entering a time of goodness or of darkness and despair? What are God’s plans for the United States and the nations of the world, and how does President Trump fit into that?

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ The End Times

Can you know the truth regarding what the visions in the book of Revelation mean? How does the church fit into the end times? Is there a rapture? What did Jesus have to say about the end times? How do you choose the right eschatology? Can you know when Jesus is coming back? Have any of the prophecies in Revelation been fulfilled?

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Picking Up the Pace

What is revelation? How should we view the Bible? What is true discipleship? Are you blessed orcursed? What does God really say about money? Is Jesus truly pre-eminent in everything? How do Iknow what my dreams mean? What’s the big deal about house churches? Are we living in the endtimes? Discover the answers to these and many more topics in Picking Up the Pace One Year Devotional.

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For God So Loved the World

What does John 3:16 really mean, and how does it fit in with election, predestination, Calvinism, and free will?  Take this journey with us as we delve into what it means that “God so loved the world.”

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How Loud Can a Dragonfly Roar?

Dora, Mike, and Lydia are three dragonfly friends from the Association of Insect Researchers who embark on a journey to Africa to research lions. Filled with interesting facts about lions and insects interwoven into a cleverly written story.

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Walking with God: One Year Devotional

This devotional is one of a kind. Filled with revelation for each day from the Holy Spirit. It even has an index at the back so you can look up the topics for future reference.

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Panda Trouble

Bob Fire Ant has to overcome his fear of being eaten by dragonflies as he teams up with three dragonflies in a journey to China to save the Great Panda bears. Filled with interesting facts about dragonflies, panda bears, fire ants, and China that are interwoven into a cleverly written fictional story.

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Penguins in the Antarctic

Join the Association of Insect Researchers as they take a journey to the coldest continent on the planet. Children young and old desire adventure and understanding of their world. Penguins in the Antarctic delivers both.

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